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Our Core Values


It expresses faith, hope, and trust in people. We believe in science and knowledge. It is the trust and belief of individuals in each other and the values they create together. It is our belief in the future with the strength we get from our past. It is trusting and believing in our friends. It is the belief and confidence we have in the correctness of our work. We believe and trust in freedom, equality, the republic, and secularism. It is our belief and trust in good morals. We believe we are not alone in good and bad times and will not be alone.


Respect means prestige and showing care—our respect for life and people. We respect our rights to life, values, beliefs, and freedom. We respect science and knowledge. Respect each other, our friends, colleagues, competitors, and customers. It is our respect for laws and rules. We respect truth and equality.


It expresses development, progress, maturation, and growth. It is to develop to find the moral and scientific truth and good. It is to grow to understand our rights and freedoms better. To continuously improve the knowledge and skills we have. To encourage and support ourselves and all people around us to become better. To develop together culturally and economically. To protect and extend the values we have. It is to grow to distinguish the good and the right.


Sharing the good, the truth, the beautiful, the good day, the sadness, the pain, joy, gain, loss, values that make people human, knowledge, science, and most importantly, love. It is being able to say “we,” not you, me, or them. The continuity of the success of our group and the continuity of its existence will only be possible by ensuring the sharing of knowledge and experience.

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