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  • Bosnia & Herzegovina
  • Czech Republic
  • Croatia
  • Poland
  • Romania
  • Serbia
  • Turkey
  • United States

About Altium

Established in 1997, Altium is a private investment company based in Switzerland with a rich history of success, growth, and stability.
As an international distributors company network, Altium delivers targeted and efficient solutions to various markets, including life science and chemical analysis.

In addition to its branches in countries like Poland, the Czech Republic, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Romania, Turkey, Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Kosovo, and
Azerbaijan, Altium also has a strong network of collaborators throughout Central and Eastern Europe. As a forward-thinking company, Altium is constantly striving to grow and expand its reach, reaching new heights and making a more significant impact in the world.

Altium is a leading solution provider for laboratories with a mission to be present in every lab in the represented territories.
Areas of expertise include pharma and biopharma, food, energy, and environmental solutions, with expanding development in medicine, healthcare, and green
energy sectors. Altium’s ultimate goal is to create a safer world by providing the best laboratory equipment, support, and knowledge.

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the world of Altium.

Discover our core values, explore career opportunities, reflect on our milestones, and hear from our visionary leaders. Join us as we shape a safer world through superior laboratory solutions

© 2024 Altium - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED brand

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